Create a white rendered image with cinema4d and vray

If you have created a scene and want to make a simple white version without all the textures there’s an easy way to do this.

Create a white rendered image with cinema4d and vray (Tutorial)

Create a white rendered image with cinema4d and vray (Tutorial)


1. Create a new VrayAdvancedMaterial. Leave the color white.
Create a white rendered image with cinema4d and vray (Tutorial)

Create a white rendered image with cinema4d and vray (Tutorial)


Create a white rendered image with cinema4d and vray (Tutorial)

Create a white rendered image with cinema4d and vray (Tutorial)

2. Go to render settings – Options – Turn ‚Override Material‘ on and add the new white material to ‚Overriding Material‘.


3. If you want to make the window glass transparent, got to the glass material and turn the ‚overrideable‘ option off.

Create a white rendered image with cinema4d and vray (Tutorial)

Create a white rendered image with cinema4d and vray (Tutorial)


Create a white rendered image with cinema4d and vray (Tutorial)

Create a white rendered image with cinema4d and vray (Tutorial)

4. Render the image. That’s it!


Also check out our 3d Models and Texture Packs